Travel Patient Care Technician Salary Guide

Patient care technicians work directly with patients to help them stay comfortable and assist with their care. They work closely with the nursing team. Typically a registered nurse serves as their supervisor. Patient care technicians help ease the workload of nurses while supporting patients. Their duties may vary, but they usually nurture patients' needs and report any changes they see in their patients to the nursing staff. Specific responsibilities might include collecting samples for testing, checking vital signs, taking patients to other parts of the facility, assisting patients with tasks like going to the bathroom and providing emotional support.

How do you become a patient care technician?

The requirements to become a patient care technician vary widely based on where you work. However, the basic educational requirement is a high school diploma or a GED. Most states require you to complete a program to earn a certificate before working as a patient care technician. You can often find these programs at community colleges or technical schools. They cover the basics like anatomy, medical terminology, medical records and relevant laws. You also learn CPR, first aid and other technical skills needed to care for patients. Many states require a license or certificate you earn by passing an exam.

What credentials/licensing does a patient care technician require?

You'll likely need a state-level certificate or license to work as a patient care technician. Additional credentials can help you earn more and advance your skills. American Medical Technologists offers the Patient Care Technician (PCT) certification.

This credential offers four pathways for qualifying based on experience and education. You can also earn credentials if you specialize as a technician in different areas. For example, a phlebotomy technician can earn the Phlebotomy Technician certification (PBT) through the American Society for Clinical Pathology.

Average Travel Patient Care Technician Salary


The average salary for a Travel Patient Care Technician is $1,108 per week. This is 112% lower than the practicing US average of $2,347.

Last updated on May 8, 2024. Based on 24 active jobs on in the last 7 days.

Salaries for Travel Patient Care Technician compared to Allied Health Professional National Averages


112% lower than the practicing US average.


United States

What are the highest paying Employers and Agencies for Travel Patient Care Technician jobs?
Average Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
Wellspring Nurse Source$3,105$3,105
Guardian HealthStaff, LLC.$2,040$2,040
Enterprise Solutions Inc$1,325$1,325
Genie Healthcare$1,230$1,230
Connected Health Care $1,080$1,080
TalentBurst, Inc$1,066$1,160

Last updated on May 8, 2024. Information based on active jobs on

A Nurse holding a file folder

Travel Patient Care Technician Career Guide

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How can you increase your pay as a travel patient care technician?

Moving to an area with higher average pay is another way to make more as a patient care technician. However, don’t forget to compare salaries to the cost of living and check out different areas to find one that appeals to you most.

How much does a travel patient care technician make?

A travel patient care technician could expect to earn an average of $1,357 weekly, based on Vivian Health's salary data accessed on May 10, 2023.

Do travel patient care technicians earn more than staff patient care technicians?

According to Vivian Health's wage data on May 10, 2023, travel patient care technicians usually earned more than staff positions. Using the hourly rate of $15.13, a staff patient care technician would make an average of $605.20 per week for 40 hours. Data accessed on the same day shows that travel positions averaged $1,357 weekly, more than double.

What states employ the most patient care technicians?

The employment rate can also help you decide where to work as a patient care technician. States that hire more technicians could offer better employment options. You'll usually see higher numbers of patient care technicians in states with larger populations, as these states need more professionals to keep up with their healthcare needs. The states that hire the most patient care technicians, according to May 2022 BLS data, include:

  • California

  • Florida

  • Texas

  • New York

  • Pennsylvania

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