Medical Technologist Salary Guide

A medical technologist, also known as a clinical laboratory scientist, performs lab tests. These tests are used to diagnose diseases and monitor the effects of medical treatments. For example, an oncologist may order a blood test to determine whether a patient's chemotherapy has been working. Medical technologists analyze tissue samples, work with urine and blood specimens, operate laboratory equipment and enter test results into each patient's medical record. Some medical technologists specialize in a specific area of laboratory science, such as microbiology or hematology.

How do you become a medical technologist?

To become a medical technologist, you must complete a bachelor's degree in biology, chemistry, medical technology or a closely related discipline. Although the exact sequence of courses varies based on the school you attend, medical technology students usually take courses in biology, chemistry, immunology, microbiology, biostatistics and immunology. You also learn how to operate cell counters, microscopes and other equipment used in a medical laboratory setting. 

According to the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, the following states have laboratory practice acts that require all medical technologists to be licensed as of April 2023:

  • California

  • Hawaii

  • Florida

  • Louisiana

  • Montana

  • Nevada

  • New York

  • North Dakota

  • Tennessee

  • West Virginia

Depending on where you live, you may need to demonstrate your professional competency, pay a licensing fee and/or take continuing education courses to obtain or retain a license.

What credentials/licensing does a medical technologist require?

You don't need to pass a national certification exam to work as a medical technologist, but many employers prefer to hire certified employees. Therefore, obtaining a certification may help you advance your career. The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification offers the Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS) credential, which helps medical technologists demonstrate their competency in blood banking, hematology, immunology, chemistry, laboratory operations and microbiology.

You must meet the minimum education and training requirements to obtain the MLS certification. ASCP offers six routes to MLS certification, so the requirements depend on your chosen route. You must also pass a 100-question exam.

Average Medical Technologist Salary


The average salary for a Medical Technologist is $33.48 per hour. This is 31% lower than the practicing US average of $43.72.

Last updated on May 18, 2024. Based on active jobs on

Salaries for Medical Technologist compared to Allied Health Professional National Averages


31% lower than the practicing US average.


United States

Where do Medical Technologists get paid the most?
StateAverage Hourly SalaryMax Hourly Salary
North Carolina$41$48
New York$33$100
New Jersey$32$100
What are the highest paying Employers and Agencies for Medical Technologist jobs?

Last updated on May 18, 2024. Information based on active jobs on and pay data from BLS and around the web.

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Medical Technologist Career Guide

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How can you increase your pay as a medical technologist?

Although certification isn't required, many employers demand it. Earning ASCP certification may also help you qualify for management or team lead roles, giving you access to higher-salary jobs. Another option is to specialize in blood banking, hematology, immunology or another laboratory discipline that may come with higher pay.

How much does a staff medical technologist make?

Staff medical technologists had an average hourly wage of $35.52, according to Vivian Health’s salary data for the week ending April 15, 2023. Multiplying that by 40 hours in a standard workweek corresponds to a weekly average of $1,420.80.

Is medical technologist a growing career?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that medical technologist employment is expected to increase by 7% between 2021 and 2031. In 2021, the United States had 329,200 medical technologists. If demand increases by 7%, there should be 351,000 working medical technologists by 2031, an increase of 21,800 jobs. BLS analysts believe that medical technologist employment will likely increase due to the growing demand for healthcare services.

What types of employers/facilities have the most medical technologists employed?

Hospitals employ 45% of all medical technologists in the United States, according to 2021 data from the BLS. Medical and diagnostic laboratories account for another 22% of medical technologist employment. You may also be eligible for jobs in physician offices, college health clinics and outpatient care centers, although these work environments only account for 18% of all employment in this field.

Which employers/facilities have the highest pay?

Although outpatient care centers account for a small percentage of medical technologist employment, they offer the highest median wages for individuals in this profession. Hospitals are close behind, with median salaries just slightly lower than what's available at outpatient care centers. Medical and diagnostic laboratories, college health clinics and physician offices pay substantially less. For example, the median salary for physician offices is 25% lower than the median salary for hospitals, per BLS data.

How does medical technologist pay compare to similar healthcare jobs?

Medical technologist pay is higher than the average for many similar healthcare jobs. For example, staff medical laboratory technician salaries average $29.10 per hour, 22% less than medical technologists. Travel medical laboratory technicians have an average weekly salary of $2,101, which is $142 less than the weekly average for travel medical technologist jobs. All salary data comes from Vivian Health and is current as of the week ending April 15, 2023.

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Medical Technologist FAQs

Can earning a degree improve my salary as a Medical Technologist?

Yes, advanced education often opens new career paths that usually lead to higher salaries. Medical technologist may benefit financially from pursuing a Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT-AMT) or Medical Technologist (MT-AMT).

Where can I learn more about working as a Medical Technologist?

Take a look at Vivian's Medical Technologist Career Guide for more information, including required education, responsibilities, pros and cons and more.