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Physicians Assistant Jobs

  • 119 open jobs
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Physicians Assistant Jobs Salary Insights

Average Physician Assistant Salary


The average salary for a Physician Assistant is $77.29 per hour.

Last updated on June 1, 2024. Based on active jobs on

Explore all Physician Assistant salary insights

Physicians Assistant Jobs FAQs

What hospitals currently have the most Physician Assistant job opportunities?

The hospitals on Vivian that currently have the most Physician Assistant jobs are The Mount Sinai Hospital (16 jobs), Montefiore Hospital- Moses Campus (14 jobs), and New York-Presbyterian Allen Hospital (14 jobs).

Does Vivian have any local contract Physician Assistant jobs?

As of Sunday, June 2nd 2024, Vivian has 3 listings for local contract Physician Assistant jobs. These jobs pay $89 per hour on average, and up to $117 per hour for the top-paying job listed.

Does Vivian have any travel Physician Assistant jobs?

As of Sunday, June 2nd 2024, Vivian has 7 listings for travel Physician Assistant jobs. These jobs pay $3,337 per hour on average, and up to $3,973 per hour for the top-paying job listed.

Which certifications are best for Physician Assistants?

Physician assistants can specialize in several fields. Some healthcare employers may prefer or may even require specific professional certifications, including:

What degrees might help further my career as a Physician Assistant?

Physician assistants may need a Physician Assistant (PA) or a Physician Assistant-Certified (PA-C) to improve their chance of getting hired or further their careers. Certain degrees may even be required before entering the field.

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