Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab Nurse Career Guide

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A Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab RN is a specialized healthcare professional who plays a critical role in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric patients with congenital or acquired heart conditions. These highly skilled nurses work in the Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, where they assist pediatric cardiologists in performing cardiac catheterization procedures. Their primary responsibility is to provide comprehensive


Becoming a Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab RN requires a strong educational foundation. Aspiring nurses must first complete a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, which typically takes about 4 years to complete. After obtaining their nursing degree, they must pass the NCLEX-RN exam to become a licensed registered nurse. To specialize in pediatric cardiac catheterization,

A stethoscope held in one hand

Related certifications

Qualifying for a position as a Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab RN involves meeting specific requirements. Many employers prefer or require RNs to hold certifications related to pediatric cardiac nursing or cardiac catheterization. For example, the Pediatric Cardiac Nurse Certification (PCNC) or the Cardiac Vascular Nursing Certification (CV-BC) can be valuable credentials in this specialty.

Experience in pediatric nursing is

State licenses process and requirements

All 50 states require state licensure to become a professional nurse. Review the step-by-step process to obtain or renew your RN license in each one.
A stethoscope held in one hand


Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab RNs must possess a diverse skill set to excel in this specialty. They require in-depth knowledge of pediatric cardiac anatomy and physiology, as well as the various cardiac catheterization procedures used in the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions in children. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are vital for effectively collaborating with pediatric cardiologists, other healthcare

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The responsibilities of a Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab RN encompass a wide range of tasks. They are responsible for preparing pediatric patients and their families for cardiac catheterization procedures, explaining the process, and addressing any concerns. During procedures, they assist pediatric cardiologists by providing instruments, monitoring patients' vital signs, and administering medications as needed.

After procedures, Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab RNs

Salary Insights

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Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab Nurse

The average salary for a Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab Nurse is $2,086.56 per week.

Last updated on May 9, 2024. Based on active jobs on

Pros & Cons

A career as a Pediatric Cardiac Cath Lab RN offers several benefits. It provides an opportunity to specialize in a highly rewarding field where nurses make a significant impact on the lives of pediatric patients with heart conditions. These professionals often enjoy competitive salaries due to their specialized expertise. Additionally, the demand for pediatric cardiac catheterization services continues to grow

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